The Ford Raptor is D-E-F-I-N-I-T-E-L-Y the TRUCK for this-here kid.
Thanks, guys.
This TRUCK (or an otherwise reasonable facsimile of it, sans graphics, because I suspect it's gonna inevitably be covered in mud from time-to-time, so why spend the Bob De Niro on fancy, extracurricular graphics) and I plan on gettin' intimately acquainted with one another, within the next six months, givertake.
I don't know Randy from "Adam", but it sure sounds as though, as far as delivering Ford products all over Creation goes: This ain't exactly his first rodeo.

Here's my dilemma, gentlemen: During last Saturday's daily Raptor Research Regimen™, I (accidentally) stumbled upon the following video:
630hp Supercharged Ford Raptor burning rubber
Borderline speechless, I leave you, my dear friends, with the only three words remaining in my rapidly dwindling vocabulary:
1. Lord.
2. Have.
3. Mercy.
Further modification of my factory-equipped Raptor is not entirely out of the question...

Thanks, guys.
This TRUCK (or an otherwise reasonable facsimile of it, sans graphics, because I suspect it's gonna inevitably be covered in mud from time-to-time, so why spend the Bob De Niro on fancy, extracurricular graphics) and I plan on gettin' intimately acquainted with one another, within the next six months, givertake.
I don't know Randy from "Adam", but it sure sounds as though, as far as delivering Ford products all over Creation goes: This ain't exactly his first rodeo.

Here's my dilemma, gentlemen: During last Saturday's daily Raptor Research Regimen™, I (accidentally) stumbled upon the following video:
630hp Supercharged Ford Raptor burning rubber
Borderline speechless, I leave you, my dear friends, with the only three words remaining in my rapidly dwindling vocabulary:
1. Lord.
2. Have.
3. Mercy.
Further modification of my factory-equipped Raptor is not entirely out of the question...