You must be some sort of engineer, I think you are over thinking it a little. The factory doesn't use cam bolts, (on our lower control arms) i assume that is because they are not as strong. 1/2 the bolt is missing for the cam washer. the factory lower bolts are torqued to just under 300ftlbs (294 i think) it takes a pretty good hit to knock one out of alignment.
The alignment rack has slip plates that slide. So as you make adjustments the tire doesn't have to slide (which would take a ton of force) the alignment readings are live so you make an adjustment, get the readings in the green and tighten it down. make it sure doesn't move. Toe setting is the worst, the readings always move as you tighten down the locking nut. You have to anticipate it and sometimes be in the red and as you tighten it will go into the green. Probably does sound like a pain, but do it enough and it becomes second nature.