Here are the pics
1st step
You will want to cut the coil-bucket as follows. Note: this picture below show the lip that you want to remove. We only used this side of the coil-bucket because we forgot to take pics of the side you will be actually cutting. So for reference, the lip is the same, it just needs to be removed so you have a flat welding surface.
2nd step
For mock up purposes you would bolt up plate 1 to the coil bucket/arm mount.
3rd Step
put this contraption together as so, with a 1.5" spacer in between to make sure you have the correct shock spacing.
Step 4
Take plate #2 and mock it up to the frame with step #3 now through both plates. Make sure you put the shock spacer further towards the cab of the truck while still allowing for optimum welding surface. The further back, the better. The reason for this is because if the shock mount is to far forward the shock will rub on the plate #1
Step #5
Insert plate #3 between plate 1 and 2 with the chamfer towards plate #1. Plate #1 and #3 go corner to corner with the insert.
Step 6
Now that you have everything looking like the picture below, you would tack weld everything together but NOT to the frame.
NOTE: in the pictures we are using a dummy frame with free range of welding. When you are doing this with the motor in, you cant have 360 welding because of clearance issues.
Unbolt the shock mount from the frame and weld all three plates together 100% on a welding table.
Step 8
Bolt back into the frame and weld it to the frame in every location you can.
Note: The picture above is only of the beginning process. You will need to keep welding all over the thing.
Tips and tricks.
When you are inserting the shock mount spacer bolt, make sure you insert the bolt from the front to the back of the cab like so.
This picture shows the direction of how it would go on the drivers side. If you fail to do this step correctly, you will not be able to get the bolt back out once welded up...
Tips and Tricks #2
When bolting plate 1 to the arm mount, insert bolt from inside of coilbucket outwards towards the cab. Failure to do this will result in not being able to get the bolt back out.
Tip and Tricks #3
Before final installation of the main coilover, you will need to have the secondary bypass bolt already through or else you will not be able to reach it once the Fox 3.0 coilover is in. Trust us, we learned this the hard way.