I'm curious as to what Raptor owners think of the legacy 8 cylinder engines versus the twin turbo V6's on the 2017 models and the aluminum bodies. I love the look of the 2017's but I'm skeptical of the V6 engine. I honestly can't decide if I want a new one or a used Raptor. Price isn't an issue for me.
1. Does the 2017 engine do 0-60 fast enough for you over the previous year models?
2. Does the 2017 engine have enough towing power over previous year models?
3. Are there any issues with the care and maintenance of a twin turbo engine that I should know about?
4. 2017 owners - have you had any issues with the aluminum bodies?
Thanks in advance for the replies!
1. I test drove a 2017. Not thoroughly impressed enough to think it was worth it.
2. Power isn't the issue. Suspension is made for fun, not for towing. Get to heavy, you'll wear it down real fast.
3. Nothing you'd have to worry about for the first 50k
powertrain warranty and all...
4. I've heard a lot of people with the aluminum bodies saying that getting a dent is like a death sentence for your body. Everyone is about saving gas now. Aluminum is lighter, but not strong.
My opinion, G1 until G2 drops or get's a N/A V8 back.