Hopefully this helps someone else in California who buys out of state to avoid heavy ADM.
My experience registering my Raptor bought out of state in Colorado has been the pits:
Went to the DMV Monday like a good little Californian with my weight certificate, smog check and a copy of my temp CO registration in hand. After the the typical DMV waits I found my title clerk from CO sent all the docs (certificate of origin, registration application, check for my local county/CA sales tax, sales docs, etc.) to the main DMV headquarters in Sacramento, which as my local field office informed me is not ideal.
While the CO title clerk did this thinking I could go to any DMV in CA if HQ had the docs this meant I needed to get the docs all in once place to file for registration. At this point the field office clerk let's me know we need to contact HQ and get them to mail the docs the dealer sent to them at the local office and has me fill out a new application for registration and pay the ~$1,100 for registration fees. The only issue is HQ had only got to mail from the day prior to my mail arriving nearly a month ago, so while not ideal I was told to come back on Friday so we can contact HQ and have the docs sent to the field office. Before leaving I made sure to get my VIN verification done.
It's Friday morning, I head on back to the DMV, see the same clerk and she contacts HQ to get the docs. Now the story is that they won't release the docs but they still need the field office's half of the docs to get me plates and registration, while once again not ideal I figure well it is what it is and the local field office tries to forward the docs. Sadly the new plot twist is that the field office can't forward the docs because the system wants the use tax HQ has the check from CO for; sigh.
At this point the field office says I need send my docs to HQ as certified mail so they can combine the docs and mail me plates and registration. But the catch is that they're so backed up with mail it will likely delay the process 3 months according to the field office.
At this point I just got the docs mailed out to the CA DMV HQ as certified mail for delivery Monday and have a temporary operating permit that's good through August. Fingers crossed I get my plates and registration before it expires and I don't have to step back in the DMV again anytime soon. Double fingers crossed that 2 disjointed applications don't cross streams and it all works out.
Final tally was 8 hours in total at the DMV, 1 hour at USPS due to the line, 1.5 hours at the smog business due to running behind on appointments, 30 minutes at the local dump waiting in line for the weigh station and maybeeee I'll get my plates inside the next 90 days. Gotta love the "golden state". All in all it is what it is and I love the truck and just crossed over the 1k break-in. Looking forward to letting it rip in the desert later this month.
TL;DR: Talk about the process with your Title Clerk and make sure they use a 3rd party or send docs directly to the DMV of your choice.