My 2020 screw's leftmost rear park aid sensor stays on red with the alarm when in reverse after a long, heavy rain. This has happened several times in the year I've had it. Obviously, water is getting into a spot that it takes a while to get to. Normal, even heavy but short rains, like a thunderstorm, do not cause this.
At my regular service I had the dealer look into this. They soaked it with a hose for a good while but could not get it to repeat. The advisor said to bring it in right away when it happens again. Of course, the couple of times it's recurred since then were on weekends or at night.
Has anyone had this problem, have an idea where to look for the fault?
At my regular service I had the dealer look into this. They soaked it with a hose for a good while but could not get it to repeat. The advisor said to bring it in right away when it happens again. Of course, the couple of times it's recurred since then were on weekends or at night.
Has anyone had this problem, have an idea where to look for the fault?