I've had my 2012 Raptor for almost exactly 2 years now. About a couple dozen times it has just randomly shut off on me while driving. I respect the limits of what this amazing machine can do, but I bought it to drive it off road fast and hard. Under many different circumstances it will completely shut off out of nowhere! First time was on a really steep snowy hill climb, and I thought I just pushed it too hard. Next time I was barely above an idle in a parking lot. It just shuts off completely unexpected. No rough idle or vibrations, no hesitation in acceleration, no warning, no related timing in rpm, speed, or scenarios... Just shuts off. I am always able to to shift into neutral and restart it immediately. If the electrical system is shutting off too it is only for a fraction of a second because every time it happens I look down and my dashboard lights are still on. As it started happening more frequently I investigated the fuses and wire harnesses located by the passenger's feet. I found a loose main harness & plugged it back in tight. (On family road trips my wife used to push off that flimsy plastic corner piece with her foot to reach our daughters in their car seats in the back seats) I thought this fixed the problem until a month later it happened again and I checked the same wire harness and found it still secure. The dealership has since tested every pin in that harness (or said they did) and told me it's fine. Since this unique issue never gives a code my dealership is stumped. They said the throttle body was slightly out of spec and speculated it was remaining too wide open causing the engine to do an emergency shut down... (Even though there is NO hesitation or increased acceleration at the time of the incident) They replaced the throttle body saying that they were confident that was the problem. I was skeptical & on the verge of trading it in for a new 2014 Raptor they had on the lot (I won't buy a used Raptor) but decided it was too much money for essentially the same truck. I put my faith in the new throttle body hoping it would fix the problem... It didn't. I am not wealthy, this is my only vehicle, my daily driver, my family vehicle, my hunting truck, my stress reliever! I live in Watford City, ND & volunteer hundreds of hours to maintaining the Maah Daah Hey mountain biking trail in the ND Badlands every summer. I host the MDH100 mountain bike race and this is the perfect truck for what I love to do....... Except for the random engine shut off. Can anyone please help solve this problem before I get t-***** by an 18-wheeler pulling out into crazy boom town traffic with my family one day?!?