That is what I'm hoping for!!!
The pictures I and Pacific Wheel posted earlier, to me, looks like the Raptor platform.
I can't quite make out the whole front suspension but the LCA looks like a Raptors.
It's clearly a Regular Single F150 Cab with a Raptor bed and the Raptor front.
If they build a full size Bronco on the Raptor platform, they could eliminate a lot of weight,
because they wouldn't have to beefed up frame rails like they have to do for Gen 2s,
making them only 470 lighter than the Gen 1s
Better approach and departure angles.
Better turning radius because of shorter wheel base.
Having items in the back more secure!!!
Allowing for more people to park in their garages. LOL
Allow more big and tall people to fit, not all cramped up in a tiny Bronco II
If you can unlock the passenger door with out undoing your seat belt and scooching over,
I could go on and on with the benefits of a full size Bronco on a Raptor platform.