no job and you're buying a Raptor?![]()
yes no job but might have other opportunity with a design firm. Looking into opening my own business a cybercafe of some sort. Looking into buying a raptor for good reasons according to my research. A) i will get 1000 to 3000 dollars off from a certain dealership. B) plus finance company i will get im a member a little extra off thru c) a friend has offered to but 20% down payment when i get a job and he owes me a favor. d) im working on suing a previous creditor for not following the state and federal law trying to find an attorney for consultation to make sure i have a case. E) im also in the process of appeal for 3 years worth of unemployement benifits ths state unemployement office i never got to explain my reason they decided on the companies answer so im trying to appeal it but having trouble. that would be three years worth of which comes out to more than 100k which when i win which i will for i was treated and my personal vehicle was destroyed by the other employes while i was working they were scratching um and vandalising my vehicle. etc. etc etc. so i will own one soon. if i can just find an attorney to talk to.