Owning any black vehicle is a part time job...You said, you are particular? Simple...don't get a black truck...you will never enjoy it....its get dirty literally as you wash it...wash one side...the other gets dirty....Do they look great? Yes...the trucks that are obessesed over and have $3K ceramic treatments. etc...ppf.....Wait for the color you want...any color...Anti Matter Blue (which I love) is pretty hard to own as well....maybe easier than black. Unless the Black has a significant metallic flake ...it will show swirls....its paint will get scratched with swirls marks from people looking at it...its that bad. If you can accept that it will look like a truck, scratches and all...get black. White, Silver, grey are a breeze to own...you can ignore them for a month...do a quick wash and they look pretty good....Dont even get me started about hard water spots......whether it be a sprinkler overspray, or rain that was followed by some dust in the air...water spots will ruin your day....get the point? black is beautiful, but its an angry, high maintenance girlfriend that demands constant attention...It is not worth it!!!
But it is the best color....it look so badass when it is clean!!!