Its never in your best interest to have any power going to the front axle/wheels in a high traction street situation. Regardless of what the manual says, in hard left or
Right turns from a stop the wheel speed sensor can trigger the t case to activate and cause axle bind / wheel hop. This fatigues the entire drive line and is just not a good idea. To make matters worse, the torsen front could be involved as well with this issue if you have that. In rain, maybe, snow covered roads absolutely , sure dry pavement, not a good idea. Ive had 2 “full time 4-wd” trucks, 2004 grand Cherokee , LR disco 2 . In both cases front cv joints, seals etc all needed to be swapped out way before anything ive had with and open front diff and u - joint setup. Just my 2 cents and opinion but once this all gets sorted out turn the ******* 4a off when driving on dry pavement. Theres zero reason for it.