Black to Ruby
I had one other black truck back in 1995. It took me 16 years to get over the "I swear I will never have a black truck again" mentality. I loved the black Raptor, its been stated a thousand times, "Nothing looks better than a clean black truck". But we all know, nothing looks dirty faster and nothing shows scratches like a black truck.
I wanted an SE but was on the fence between the black and red. I do like the red more than I thought I would, though I do not like the red bolsters as much as I thought I would. I tried some back door channels to get a white SE but there was too much resistance.
For those on the fence about the red, it is too much a personal choice thing for me to help you. But there is some consistency with those that have gotten one insofar as they all seem to like it. Is anyone aware of anyone that got the ruby red that does not like it like they thought they would?