That Raptor is only a 5.4 ( and everyone know 5.4<6.2 ).u
OH HELL NO ! Them is fightin words ! I thought you wuz ok but now I is gonna has ta WHOOP yer ars.
RPG makes many great products. Proven. Crash test tested. That's what' going on my truck. Comming from Aerospace, redneck engineering/fabrication, and old desert racer, RPG passes my ISO2010 test ! Call Corey and ask him, he will give you an engineering education. Brilliant guy, and very nice. A true pleasure working with Jarret and Corey from RPG
If I'm going to hand over a few hundred to a few Thousand dollars for modifications I want to be darn sure that guy KNOWS his shizzle. I had Many lenghty conversations with RPG. They KNOW their SHIZZLE, that's why I had no hessitation handing them my hard earned cash.
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