Yep synced up to my R with the app a few weeks ago as soon as I saw it was assembled. I figured I'd give it a try and it worked!!! It's sitting in the Schaefer lot, after getting the bed liner off campus at Ground Effects on 12/16 google earth photo (not my truck old imagery). I'm using the app and Google Earth to track it's movements. Shows in production since 11/20, Blend date is 11/20. No word on delivery date, was told by the Dealer there was a "hold" and they have no further info but I'm going to try the chat like
bbarnesnc suggested. It appears
bbarnesnc 's was in Ground Effects the same day so hopefully it'll be delivered soon. Mine is coming to Georgia so they may even be on the same train, RAMP 1 CHO2 which I believe is Tennessee then by convoy to Georgia. I have heard that transit can take a week to 30 days. Update: they just replied with a delivery date of 12/28 - 01/05.