FRF Addict
I just learned that the free Costco air pumps are nitrogen. I’m a member… I usually just top off my tires with my shop compressor here at home, but will start using the Costco pumps every time we go.
Maybe I’ll also air the tires down before refilling them there every time we go too; will eventually get to that ~95% nitrogen composition needed to be truly effective for use in tires.
I guess I could also refill some air tanks while I’m there too…wonder what the max pressure setting is for their pumps.
Gears turning…
Maybe I’ll also air the tires down before refilling them there every time we go too; will eventually get to that ~95% nitrogen composition needed to be truly effective for use in tires.
I guess I could also refill some air tanks while I’m there too…wonder what the max pressure setting is for their pumps.
Gears turning…