Why dont we get 20 of us to chip in 10 bucks, then we can just pass the disc around and all have the update?
I got a great way to do it- I'll buy it for 200.00, then sell it on the garage sale for 190.00, then the next guy loads it and sells it for 180.00 in the garage sale....etc.
We would just need a commitment to not leave someone hanging with the disc, but I trust you guys enough to try it and if someone buys it from a member and we get no more wanting it, just msg me and I'll pay your asking price on the garage sale (ie. if only 6 members do it, I'll pay the 140.00 to buy it back, after all it still saves me 60 bucks in the end...I will buy it anyway because there have been some major road updates in TX and building roads is my livelyhood. So its no loss to me. Thoughts?