"spotlamp shall be aimed so that no part of the high-intensity portion of the beam strikes the windshield, window, mirror, or occupant of another vehicle in use."
I'd argue that below the bumper facing straight back is aimed at the grill of the car. Certainly not the windshield, window mirror or occupant...
I highly doubt you'd ever get called out on that setup like MackAttack has.
I'm not particularly worried about it since I sit so high. I don't care if someone wants to tailgate me. At the same time I wouldn't hesitate to throw a setup like that on my truck if I needed light back there for some reason.
Don't get caught with them on and there's no problem...
I travel all over for work, but I live on the border. Post NAFTA, with the whole Mexican national tractors crossing the border thing, DPS pulls over anything that has any possibility of being out of code. They can't just pull over tractors with Mexican plates or its discrimination, so they hand out tickets to everybody. It's pretty ridiculous. My buddy runs a trucking company and they plan an extra two hours on their routes because they know they are probably going to get pulled over for a random inspection. To combat drugs they have game wardens ride with ICE, DPS, Border Patrol etc., because a game warden in the State of Texas does not need a search warrant! Law enforcement plays a lot of funny games down there, but drugs and illegals keep coming in while the innocents have to deal with all the extra hassle. I have no doubt that in my hometown if I had these lights plainly visible, I would get ticketed before long. If you get away from the border, your probably right, no ones gonna screw with you unless they are just a total ass.