I woke up this morning to find that my friends have been working OT on my behalf. Thanks very much, you guys.
Taking your advice one step further, I reformatted the thumb drive twice. There are only three MP3 songs on the drive that my daughter made for me, so I copied only those three to the reformatted drive. No joy. Same results as before.
It's the thumb drive itself, you think? Geeze, it's Government Issue! Yeah, we used to be able to use thumb drives at work. Very handy, you know. But then somebody did something way stupid, and they've been declared a security risk for years now. So since the drive can't be used at work or for work, I took it home to try putting the music my daughter sent me for Father's Day on it. It says "diskGO by EDGE" on it, and it's a 2G drive. Could it be too obsolete for the Raptor to recognize? (It's probably 3 to 5 years old, but its only been used once until now.) Or maybe the Raptor, being a 2011 model, has software that's dated or immature?
Or maybe this is a Comedy of Stupid and I'm Stupid. Could be. I date back to when the new fangled computer-thing was first introduced to my outfit on an Army post. It was a double floppy drive ****. (Anybody remember 360K floppy disks? They were quite trendy once.) With that computer you put your program (Lotus 123, WordPerfect, etc.) in one drive and your save disk in another. If you wanted to go from your word processing program to your spreadsheet program, you had to start from first principles with that thing. Operating system was DOS - Disk Operating System. That system I understood pretty well. But the day they introduced Windows was the day I became a computer has-been.
Mike, Jugg, would you please run a cheap experiment for me? If you would, please, take a drive that you know works in the Raptor and put an MP4 file and an MPEG-4 Audio file on it (I'm not certain that they are not the same thing) and see if it'll play in your Raptor. If it plays, then my problem is clearly the thumb drive I'm trying to use. If it won't play, then we'll know that MP4 files are incompatible with the Ford Sync system. Either way we'll all learn something important.
Related question: Can an MP4 file be saved as an MP3 file?
Jugg, are you feeling better this AM? I hope you're not getting either the intestinal virus or the flu. My wife is a Med Tech in the lab of the local hospital here, and they are covered up with patients suffering from both of those.