Thinking of ordering the XB's for my 2012 Raptor...
Years back I bought the OEM HID lights with the Morimoto ballast and have had nothing but problems with the ballast/wiring going out. Been thru about 4 sets of ballast and my current one is acting up. Don't want to go back to the halogens, so may to try and get my wife to agree to this purchase

Guess I can sell my OEM HID's as they are in good condition and work, its just the dern ballast/wiring that goes bad.
I tried the coupon as well with no luck but saw the last few posts saying morimoto said no codes so you throwing in a reverse light?
Question: It looks like the XB has a black plastic housing, whereas the XB Hybrid has the gray housing similar to the gray grill on the Raptors, is that the case?