Anyone have this issue? My conversation with my local ford dealer service department:
Dealer Ford Service: "What are you doing to cause this?" (so to speak)
Me: I've been pressing the button as it the manual states, "one touch", the same way for 2 years and now it's not working.
Dealer: We need to put another tech on this. We'll call you back.
Clearly, reinitializing isn't the fix as it's only helping for a couple weeks then the moonroof stops moving all together. It behaves as if it's stuck or something is blocking it.
Dealer Ford Service: "What are you doing to cause this?" (so to speak)
Me: I've been pressing the button as it the manual states, "one touch", the same way for 2 years and now it's not working.
Dealer: We need to put another tech on this. We'll call you back.
Clearly, reinitializing isn't the fix as it's only helping for a couple weeks then the moonroof stops moving all together. It behaves as if it's stuck or something is blocking it.