If you’re having trouble with the expense, best to save, or buy yourself gift cards to spend and get it done right.
@goblues38 upgraded his successfully for (I think) under 3 grand. or you could go nuclear, not mentioning any FRF names like...
@Shane361 ...
let’s assume, for the sake of discussion $3k * the Bidenflation multiplier, and you get about $3850 in today’s money.
I have the Sony, or had it, and that system was a lot easier to modify piece by piece.
I think you can do the speakers first with B&O, that’s pretty time consuming and a smaller portion of the money. You can also pick up the power / ground cabling, run to the cab and into engine bay and secure but don’t hook them up. The big part comes when you have to hook in the zen, and amp the speakers/sub.
Whatever you decide, don’t do it half àssed.