This is for the people like me that agreed to pay an ADM, but prior to reading the link, read my experience yesterday. I went to the dealer to check status of the 37 I ordered in July and while I was waiting for the SM, a guy approached me in the showroom. He saw me pull into the lot in my 2019 Raptor and told me he just agreed to buy an identical truck with 29k miles and was waiting for it to be washed. He had been looking for a used Raptor for 3 months. Now sit down, he told me he paid $95k plus T&L for the truck. Now back to the ADM, although the deal isn’t over until it’s over, because I can afford it, I have zero regrets about paying a 5k ADM, especially after reading this;
Instead of car buyers flocking to dealer lots to take advantage of holiday and year-end deals, many dealerships are nearly empty of both vehicles and customers.