OG BooBooRunner
So, I've been using a pretty inexpensive "chinesium" 100W Siren on my truck for the past year or so.
I went cheap on the first one as I wasn't sure how much use I'd get out of it.
Now that I'm certain that it is a VERY useful tool when crossing ranch land both in the US and in Mexico, I need an upgrade.
I had my second experience of Horses not giving a single shit when my 100W siren is on full wail.
So What Siren should I get? What is the LOUDEST? 200W? 400W? ( do they make a 400W siren setup?)
I will install whatever siren "speakers" on the cross cross-member, on the underside of the core support, facing forward.
having to listen to the siren for 5 minutes while I essentially "herded" the horses was a little annoying,. but hilarious. I've had a similar experience a few times now with cattle, especially bulls.
( gratuitous horse pictures below)
Thanks in advance for the help!
I went cheap on the first one as I wasn't sure how much use I'd get out of it.
Now that I'm certain that it is a VERY useful tool when crossing ranch land both in the US and in Mexico, I need an upgrade.
I had my second experience of Horses not giving a single shit when my 100W siren is on full wail.
So What Siren should I get? What is the LOUDEST? 200W? 400W? ( do they make a 400W siren setup?)
I will install whatever siren "speakers" on the cross cross-member, on the underside of the core support, facing forward.
having to listen to the siren for 5 minutes while I essentially "herded" the horses was a little annoying,. but hilarious. I've had a similar experience a few times now with cattle, especially bulls.
( gratuitous horse pictures below)
Thanks in advance for the help!