FRF Addict
Basic Training: Ft Dix, NJ - 1988
AIT: Ft. Leonard Wood, MO - 1989
Reclassed: Ft. Benjamin Harrison, IN - 1992
Camp Humphrey's, South Korea - 1992 - 1993
- Soldier of the Year
Ft. Bliss, Tx 1993-1996
- Lucky Base, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia 1994
Medically Discharged under Honorable Conditions - 1996
- It was a pleasure serving my country
Thank You to all the service men and women that have, are and will serve our beautiful country and provide me the freedom that allows me to type this special message at this moment!
Special Thanks to all the HEROS that have suffered or died providing that same freedom! God Bless You and your families!!!
I found this on another site - you may like it
YouTube - ANGEL FLIGHT RadioTowerDVDMix.mpg
I'd like this one twice, I've never heard that song.