it woulda been a neat idea, if they didn't pick such a raunchy paint scheme for the movie vehicles. The grey/red one is definately more tolerable than the green/yellow/red.... That one looks like somebody ate the fresh princes wardrobe and pooped on a truck.
I was curious myself if any Jurassic park rides had decent paint themes worth considering... so I looked into em a while ago and was dissappointed in the options.
I'd totally rock that mcdonalds ride though... that would be hillarious.
The green Camaro makes me cry... Miss my Camaro, but I can't believe people do that crap to them. Saw a lot of cars like that in Miami.. You'll never see anything like that in Vancouver though. We have ricers instead.
Theres also some more military schemed Jurrassic park rides too.. A quick google will bring up those mercedes SUV's.. And that army green jeep-esque ride... But then I doubt anyone would catch onto where the paint scheme came from... They just look military themed. (Which is cooler than JP themed imo).