I had to do it myself. several pieces just pop off by themselves.
the left vent piece on driver side pops off.
grab the back part of the shifter cup holder section and lift up. It all comes off. Make sure the truck is in neutral or the shifter hits. you then have to unbolt the whole center console and slide it back. You need to remove the console lid including the hinge. there are 2 bolts on the back by the front seats. and 4 up front.
Then you can get the 2 pieces on the side of the center stack off.
Open your glove box all the way to where it hits the floor. There are 3 copper bolts to remove the airbag. Then you can pull that main piece in front of the passenger off. Its all simple and self explanatory if you take your time.
You will need a flat head screwdriver to pry stuff and dont be afraid to pull.