Hi Trimmell, any recommendations for the Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Santa Monica area? Also, what's the difference between C.Quartz Finest and UK? Thanks!
Give Stevens Detailing a call. He is in Ventura and does amazing work. Tell him Josh from Iconic Detailing sent you. (877)557-5054.
The three main versions of CQuartz are as follows. There are a few new versions that just came out but I haven't used them.
-CQuartz Finest- Available only through "certified" installers. To be honest I haven't seen much of a difference between cars I have coated with CQuartz UK or CQuartz Classic and Finest. Finest does give more working time as it doesn't cure as fast but I think what you're paying for with Finest is the fact that they have been "certified" by CarPro that they do great work and perform at the top of the tier. Lots of Finest installers admit that they think UK is the best version. I use UK or Classic depending on the temps/humidity.
-UK-Rumored to be the most durable and hardest curing CQuartz version even by CQuartz Finest installers. UK is available at the consumer level and a lot of us detailers use it. UK is designed for application in colder temps as it cures faster.
-CQuartz Classic- The happy medium of durability, that freshly waxed look and hardness. The main differences between UK and Classic that I have seen is the "warmth" with Classic and the longer working time. UK can really get away from you since it flashes so quick if you're not careful. Classic gives you more time to level any high spots before it cures. Honestly, you can't go wrong with any of the versions.
The Finest installers usually have all three versions available and they will give you their recommendation. Finest will be pushed because they warranty Finest since they are "certified" but you are more than okay using UK or Classic. Someone who gets a vehicle coated can just as easily destroy UK as they can Classic or Finest. Hope this helps.