Thanks guys, I've been riding motorcycles since I was 3 years old and finally got a streetbike last February. Have been riding Palomar mountain here in socal for about as long as I've had the bike and it finally caught up with me. Only it wasn't my fault, another rider either lost control going to fast or panic'd but either way he came into my lane and caused me to crash. Just figure I'd share a little warning with everyone you may think even if you're being safe not going all out on your bike, you still can't trust other people on the road, not even other motorcyclists!!!! I doubt I'll be back on my feet anytime soon haha but thanks for wishing me well

. Thank god I was wearing proper gear too. I am convinced if I had been wearing tennis shoes I wouldn't have a foot right now. The full weight of my 400 lb SV crashed down on my ankle at the rearset passenger peg. Anyways back to Raptor talk!!!
Oh and P.S. My bike needs a new front wheel, front forks, mirrors, 1/4 fairing and turn signal

sad panda.