Idea 1: Whose cat is it? If its a neighbor, tell him to keep it inside. If he won't, then I would live trap the cat and take it to the shelter. Next time I would trap the cat and take it to a shelter about 100 miles away. Problem solved.
Idea 2: If you have a 10 pump BB gun sitting around, 1 pump will allow you to shoot the cat and scare it away without injuring it. Most cats are smart enough that you won't have to do it again. We used to shoot eachother with those guns on 1 pump as kids (redneck airsoft), it never broke skin or hurt very bad and certainly wouldn't cause an injury like the one Ruger was talking about. If you are really scared of hurting it, buy a real Airsoft gun at Walmart for $20.
Idea 2: If you have a 10 pump BB gun sitting around, 1 pump will allow you to shoot the cat and scare it away without injuring it. Most cats are smart enough that you won't have to do it again. We used to shoot eachother with those guns on 1 pump as kids (redneck airsoft), it never broke skin or hurt very bad and certainly wouldn't cause an injury like the one Ruger was talking about. If you are really scared of hurting it, buy a real Airsoft gun at Walmart for $20.