My wife is going to splurge and get DVD players installed in my headrests or go with repalcement headrests with built in DVD players. The ones we have started looking at each have their own players, but they are linked so the two are watching the same program if the kids didn't want to watch different programs (which is an option as well). They come with wireless headphones, much like as described earlier in this thread.
My guy at the audio/security shop priced some for me this week. It appears the Myron & Davis line (pictured) only runs about $600 installed (and that was without any negotiating off of the retail price which I seem to have gotten rather proficient at lately).
The other options I am looking into are from Crutchfield. I'm pretty sure I could install these myself and I have no desire to integrate these into the factory Navigation (if even possible).
headrest at Crutchfield.com
So, there are plenty of options out there. I, personally, like the Alpine option from Crutchfield (for quality), but that requires an installer to hack into your headrests....
Any thoughts? Has anyone done this since three months ago when this thread was last active?
Edit: These are 9" and seem to fit our trucks: