Here's a few pics showing the process, I'll try to explain it as best as possible.
First thing to do is use a degreaser and clean the area really well where you are going to paint. Dry the area and then start masking it off.
Use a razor blade and cut around the svt emblem
Mask everything off really well and then spray a couple of even coats of blue paint, letting it get a bit tacky inbetween coats. Let the paint dry for 30 minutes before you remove the masking tape and let dry over night before you wash it.
This is the blue that I found which match's the shocks exactly, I got it from Walmart. It is self-etching and bonds to metals, wood and plastics. The paint code is 42329 Patriotic Blue.
This paint has held up really well over the last 2 years, I take the truck and pressure wash the under neath of it and use scrub brush's on the paint, no problems at all.