I bought the last 19' Chapman Ford had today. Well below invoice, I will try to post numbers tomorrow. I talked to just about every dealer in the Phoenix area for last month or so. finally pulled the trigger, MSRP was just under 74K i believe. Autonation Scottsdale has one or two agate 19's left. Peoria pulled a bait and switch price wise once I got out there. Bell wont work with you at all. Earnheardt couldn't get to where I needed to be for a 75 mo loan.
Did Peoria spring the $3k+ of dealer added crap on you?
They pulled that on me when I was looking at a '18 late on the model year. We were sitting at a table, 3 of them all chattering crap, I pulled off one of my flip flops and asked if any of them will buy it, they said no. Then I said for the hundredth time, I don't want to buy any of this stuff you put on the truck and too take it off, and that their idea for me to come to the dealership to refill my tires with nitrogen after I air-down for offroading was pretty lame.
What bothered me the most is that they had just received a Leadfoot and it was going through PDI and they wouldn't sell it to me unmolested.