I know I may be late in saying this but I'm sorry to hear about your loss! I too know what its like. I had to put my girl, Angel, down this past Christmas day. She was 17. I cried like a little baby!!! It brings a tear to my eye even now just writing this. Gino sounds like he was truly mans best friend. RIP Gino!!!
Sorry about you “angel”, they are very special to us, both them and us cherish the time we have together. We had some great times, he was a great companion, wifey is a great companion too, but Gino always loved me, wifey, well....... lol
I don’t know if I’ll have another pup, he was special, but I know if the opportunity arises, we will have another 4 legged kid in our life, as sick as Gino was as a pup (no immune system) and a bad heart murmur at the end, I wouldn’t change any of it for the world.
He had a great life, and my life was better for all we went through and did together. I am very blessed God put both him and my girl (my avatar) in my life....
Thanks for the soap box time.