The 1st delivery of mods has arrived.
Relations Race Wheels RS7-H Hybrid MonoForged Wheel 17x8.5 +25. Coming in at ~25 lbs each. I have the billet rings on order. Should be here in the next few weeks. Waiting for the truck to get back from PPF and we will install these bad boys.
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Edit: I would like to point out something that makes these monoforged wheels a little disappointing IMO. RRW claims the Monoforged wheel should be "15%-20% lighter" than the cast equivalent.
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However, the cast equivalent comes in at 27 lbs, per their website.
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So their claim is nowhere close to reality since the monoforged is weighing in right under 26 lbs per my scale. (I tested a 30 lb weight on the scale for accuracy and it read 29.7 lbs)
I understand that Monoforged is going to be far stronger but its a bummer they aren't anywhere close to the weight claim on the website. Was hoping for a much lighter wheel to offset the weight added by going up to a 35 on my Ranger Raptor.