Well...it happened to me (2013 Screw, 11,561 miles). I was at the end of a freeway onramp, accelerating to merge with traffic when the engine died. No power steering, no power brakes. I was able to pull over to the shoulder with 65-70 mph traffic coming at me. Once I was on the shoulder, I got it started again and drove home with no issues. After I got home, I plugged in the OBDII and didn't get any trouble codes. I did a quick forum search and came upon this thread. I checked the 27 fuse and sure enough the plastic casing was burnt to a crisp just like the ones in every other pic posted. I ordered the Ford EL3Z-14293-AFuse Relocation Kit from Amazon for $19 and received it in 2 days. Took 45 minutes to install it and done deal.
Thanks to FRF and the posters on this thread for doing what Ford failed/refused to do.....NOTIFY THE OWNERS of affected trucks of this hazardous issue. Unfortunately I don't get on the forums much so I missed this post. If I'd known about this issue and the existence of the TSB, I would have spent the $19 and 45 minutes long ago and not waited for a near tragic incident to find out about it. This is a design flaw that can have deadly results. They know about the problem and yet all they do is come up with a TSB that owners aren't notified of and some service writers don't even know about. If there's any issue that warrants a RECALL, this is it. Ford obviously hasn't learned any lessons from the Pinto and Exploder. Bottom line is they'd rather pay out a few million dollars on a few annoying wrongful death suits than half a billion for a full blown recall. Such short sighted "United Airlines" way of thinking. If not anything else, at least send out a letter or email advising owners to check the 27 fuse and the TSB. Lord knows I get enough of those with oil change and tire rotation coupons so I know they have my contact info.
Funny thing, the same week that my engine died while entering the freeway, I received this letter in the mail. For the record, my Raptor has had no issues except for this one incident and continues to run fine after the TSB.