Jax traffic has really changed over the last five years. It is horrible during rush hour. Fortunately, it hasn’t been bad since COVID. But given how many people are flocking to Florida, the real estate market in Jax will be on par with parts of south Florida within a couple of years.
Traffic seems to be close to pre-COVID levels now. My office is in Southpoint and (to me) traffic is around 95% of where it was in Feb, although I try to call it a day at 3:00-3:30 out of habit unless I can't for some reason. I don't understand people who want to live at the beach if they have a 9-5...that's just nuts. Town Center is packed again, I try to avoid that at all costs.
I'm in commercial RE here and, outside of a slow summer, it's nuts right now. Lots going on, lots of northerners investing here.