FRF Addict
Agree! and thanks for sharing your Idea! My goal is to just share info that I come across! It is up to individuals to pick what they like or what they can afford! Being that I have access to design a cool bumper with cool graphics, I am going to share what I come up with, once the basic program is written, we can make custom graphics! I will share the cad program with other Gen 2 owners. I will post pictures of the design and get census from Raptor owners! I don't want to make money on others! The reason I joined this forum was to share, see others ideas and a positive experience! I am surprised by how guys just come out and say basically my idea is F_cking stuped! I wouldn't go on anyones thread and call their Idea F_cking what ever! I don't see any reason to have to use the F-word on anyone trying to make things better and sharing their success or failures!
Lets get this straight! I never said your idea was stupid, i said that the bumpers that the company you linked to where "******* ugly".