I don't mean lifting and unlocking and relatching the cover, though that's not easy as I do have the locks adjusted tight. I do like the cover. As I think I said, this is the 3rd or 4th cover I've owned, first Diamondback, and it is by far the most rugged, probably the best looking, I'm sure most waterproof and break-in proof of any cover I've had or possibly any on the market.
I am probably also jumping to conclusions in my complaints as I've only had it a week. I was waiting for the better, more, shall we say, puffy weather stripping I ordered from Amazon for the bulkhead. I installed the cover, got the weather stripping few days later, and hopped in the cab side with the top up. I felt like I was in a medieval torture chamber as the top does not open far on that side due to that metal bar which I guess protects it from flying back and off on the highway. That's what initially soured me on access.
Also, I guess I could not really reach into that part of the bed no matter what cover I had on without standing on a platform.