To be totally honest I have been all over the place with color, I actually ordered a Blue Screw when I was on deployment but had to ultimately back out from it due to changing winds. But I also really wanted a Black Scew so I could flat black the entire darn thing but wasn't ready for one still...Finally everything came together and when it did I looked across the entire state (couldn't find a new one at all) for low milage 2014 Screw'z and found only a few, I chased the lowest milage one I found and snagged that puppy! All I really wanted was she be a SCREW, have the 801a package, and I refused to buy one with that red accented seating, IDK why but to me it just doesn't look good. I must say though after being around her awhile I think the black decals on the white just looks really freaking great! I love her and wouldn't trade her for anything!
TL;DR: Sometimes you want blue or black and God says no you get White and I say THANK YOU!