update... Truck is back in the shop as of last Tuesday. No word from the dealer until today. The service rep called today to let me know that they need to replace the A/C compressor for the loud screeching and they are going to put that on my 3rd party extended warranty with my $100 deductible. WTF ? The are refusing to admit something went wrong during the reassembly after the Cam Phaser replacement.
Next ... The loud rattle sound ... The tech has no idea what it can be and is not sure what to do next. They are considering ripping the engine open again and do the cam phaser replacement (again). As per our hero Ford Tech One, I strongly suggested to look at the belt tensioner and look for oscillation that coincides with the tapping and rattling sounds.
This is not going well. The dealer will not commit to covering my rental at this point. They will not admit or even consider they have any fault with my issues. I asked the service rep who I need to speak to in order to find out what they are thinking and said maybe I need to call Ford corporate for assistance. I got the service manager's name and the shop floor supervisor's name. YAY !!!
I am holding tight over the weekend and see what they say on Monday. I am hoping a nice weekend will help them think but I am preparing for an unpleasant conversation on Tuesday (just in case).
Stay tuned ...