Phil Howell
Full Access Member
As you know, the stock rear spring block has an integrated bumpstop pad that has the frame-mounted bumpstop hitting 2.5" above the axle tube. As Deaver springs delete the block, the bumpstop pad is also gone.
I was looking at the Ford OE bumpstop holders (cans) on the frame and thought they looked identical to the JK Wrangler's rear bumpstop mounts. It turned out they are! So, I had a couple of Teraflex JK rear bumpstop extensions that popped right in. The Ford OE bumpstop then popped easily into the extensions. This lowered the bumpstops to EXACTLY what's needed to work with the Deavers. The only difference is the bumpstop now hits the axle tube instead of the OE block pad.
I was looking at the Ford OE bumpstop holders (cans) on the frame and thought they looked identical to the JK Wrangler's rear bumpstop mounts. It turned out they are! So, I had a couple of Teraflex JK rear bumpstop extensions that popped right in. The Ford OE bumpstop then popped easily into the extensions. This lowered the bumpstops to EXACTLY what's needed to work with the Deavers. The only difference is the bumpstop now hits the axle tube instead of the OE block pad.