Here's a couple of quick pics. I've had many, many phone mounts. You can see in the vent the one I've been successfully using for a while, the simple, cheap Koomus magnetic mount. Works with a silicone case on by placing the slim metal sheet inside the case. The D67 does not work well with cases and so I placed the metal sheet on the outside of the case.
But I must say, of all the places I've mounted a phone, I really like this. It blocks nothing and is just a great location. The dark (turned off) phone on the right is in their expandable mount. I like that also.
same puppy as above:
But I must say, of all the places I've mounted a phone, I really like this. It blocks nothing and is just a great location. The dark (turned off) phone on the right is in their expandable mount. I like that also.
same puppy as above:
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