Growing up in Northern Nevada...Blue Cruise may have worked...people seem to understand and respect the rules of the road....i.e. use of the proper lanes(left lane), Vehicle spacing, not using cell phones(!!!), etc....I don't believe the Blue Cruise or many of the intelligent cruise control systems work in a place like SoCal....Drivers for the most part do not understand or care to understand the rules of the road and proper driving etiquette...they dive into and out of lanes, rarely use turn signals, and basically only care what is on their cell phone screen...This is what we experience every day and every mile on the CA interstates.
I went to Santa Clarita in my raptor ....tried to use adaptive was basically useless due to the idiots driving near was impossible to dial-in 75MPH on cruise and just go with the flow....between the angry drivers, the damn tesla drivers who think the highway system in their own personal frogger game---darting in and out of lanes constantly----and people that just cannot stop looking at their cell phones....Maybe in rural areas with intelligent may have some use...but I cannot and will not trust any AI system to maintain my vehicle speed on the freeway!!!
I went to Santa Clarita in my raptor ....tried to use adaptive was basically useless due to the idiots driving near was impossible to dial-in 75MPH on cruise and just go with the flow....between the angry drivers, the damn tesla drivers who think the highway system in their own personal frogger game---darting in and out of lanes constantly----and people that just cannot stop looking at their cell phones....Maybe in rural areas with intelligent may have some use...but I cannot and will not trust any AI system to maintain my vehicle speed on the freeway!!!