@jabroni619. Thought it was just AC is like drinking a beer that someone just put into the fridge an hour ago. Not sure what the issue is but my other cars would have frost coming out of the vents but this truck has heat coming out of the vents when it is just on "outside air" mode and when the AC is is just lukecold.
Anyways, back on topic...I love the look of black wrap on the roof specifically...but living in Socal and knowing that I take my truck out to the desert, I'm afraid that the black on the roof is just going to be a heat magnet, make the cab extra hot, and lead to premature aging of the underlying paint on the roof.
That being said, you gotta do you man! If you love it, go for it! It is easy to reverse course if you change your mind.
Anyways, back on topic...I love the look of black wrap on the roof specifically...but living in Socal and knowing that I take my truck out to the desert, I'm afraid that the black on the roof is just going to be a heat magnet, make the cab extra hot, and lead to premature aging of the underlying paint on the roof.
That being said, you gotta do you man! If you love it, go for it! It is easy to reverse course if you change your mind.