I have the Bedrug, I was torn between the two, but already have the bedrug from my 08 Screw. It is the same PN for the 2011 Screw so it will fit. Huge fan, it takes a beating and can be cleaned up with a shopvac. For those wondering about mildew and such. I have always kept it covered, but have had it out in the elements and no worries. It is made from marine grade outdoor carpet so it is mildew resistant. I only need to buy a new install kit from Bedrug for $30. I will have to do some modification however the new truck has the rear step. I am thinking of pulling the plastic protector off the tailgate, trim the tailgate piece off the bedrug, secure it to the tailgate with hook and loop fasteners, and reinstall the plastic piece over top. Truck was supposed to be in yesterday but haven't heard from dealer yet, so I won't know if it works until I get my truck.