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I kept my bedrug and mat from my 08 because all the research I did said they would fit, and they do. I was concerned how to work around the tailgate step since my 08 didn't have that option. I ended up cutting the tailgate piece of the bedrug. I left it long enough to tuck under the bed protector. I removed the lower 5 screws, lifted the bed protector, slid the altered bedrug piece under the protector, and threaded the 5 screws back through the bedrug. Works perfect, only cost me 30 bucks for a new velcro kit from bedrug. I like it too because it covers the gap between the tailgate and bed to keep shit from falling down the gap. My tonneau from the 08 also fit, and wife got me a set of weathertechs for my birthday 3 "mods" and only 30 bucks spent so far.
The bedmat & bed rug fit exactly, the interior of the bed is identical to the previous model year. Tonneau fits the same as it did on my 08.
The bedmat & bed rug fit exactly, the interior of the bed is identical to the previous model year. Tonneau fits the same as it did on my 08.