So there are definitely some photos scattered about of bed caps / camper shells on the Gen 3, but hoping we can maybe get a thread with some comparisons in one place. I've been looking at what I can see, and trying to decide what I'd go for. The RSI SmartCap seems "popular", which makes sense - and looks good. For me, with the 37PP and how tall the vehicle is, the RSI looks like it actually sits maybe 1-2" higher than the cab height, and I think that would be a deal breaker for me (or rather, low hanging structures). I saw someone else with pictures of a Snugtop Rebel - but from the photos I saw, the design looked a little goofy to me (the extended rounded rear top just didn't seem to fit the vehicle at all).
Who's got what, and what do they love/hate about it?
Who's got what, and what do they love/hate about it?