So, this has me wondering. My BD lights are drawing power straight off the battery. I have a battery I bought from Autozone awhile back. About a year ago. Pretty much the cheapest one on off the shelf for my Ram1500.
It does its intended job of turning the truck on. Buuuuuuuut, does this battery provide my 20” ONX+ with all the nutrients it needs to run 100%? Would a nicer higher end battery be worth the investment? I plan I adding more BD light btw.
Thanks for the input
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It does its intended job of turning the truck on. Buuuuuuuut, does this battery provide my 20” ONX+ with all the nutrients it needs to run 100%? Would a nicer higher end battery be worth the investment? I plan I adding more BD light btw.
Thanks for the input
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