@2020leadfoot @RADvelociRaptor @patire19 Savage Offroad now hosts events at Rausch Creek. It and the area they have at Burning Rock are both fun venues (attended both this year). The track at Rausch Creek is not the one that RTO used - it's a new one that currently sits at ~1.6mi long, but they are looking to expand it soon. It isn't the same beast that claimed tires every run anymore either, this track is actually dirt. If you enjoy some slower actions as well, Burning Rock has a trail and play area. You get a good mix of terrain there.
I met the folks that formed Savage Offroad back in March, extremely nice people. I highly recommend attending one of their events - I know they are planning at least three events at Rausch Creek next year. Plus, they feed you really well too.
Here's a shot from both venues, as well as a video one of the guys there put together. A DOT rated helmet is required.
Burning Rock, WV:
Rausch Creek, PA: