@MDJAK , YOO Brother I think you need another car to your collection, Make me an offer and she is yours.

But hey, If you guys want to feel a little better about market adjustments, People paying double. Kooks Dodge in VA has 10 allocations for this car and got 250K over asking for them. As of yesterday they had one left. 2.5mm for just selling 10 cars... That's kinda how the world is now. And you know who did it? US... people paid the crazy prices, we set the bar, we set the market.
If my cousin didn't own the dealership I would have NEVER EVER paid some of these obscure adjustments dealers are asking. My cousin showed me emails and texts from other dealers 100-250K over. It's insane. Would you ever think you would see the day a current dodge went for 350K. I Guess it is what it is at the end of the day...Someone Somewhere wants it and doesn't mind.
@BalorGrayJax Its yours if you want it too. I will even take payment in "Singles". But just the car not my life.